Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Create a windows7 password reset disk and unlock window

Create a windows7 password reset disk and unlock window 

Forgotten windows password is a common problem. There's hardly anyone who does not familiar with this problem. Often we forget our windows password. Sometimes it creates a major problem for us. But if you become aware then we can avoid this problem. Otherwise a new window is badly necessary to run the computer. Windows 7 has a different feature. To avoid lost password problem there is a Forgotten Password wizard tool in windows7. With this tool you can create a password reset file that will help you after is forgotten password to reset it again.  

Create Reset Disk follow those steps:

**Search Password reset disk or Forgotten Password/ Go to Control Panel then User Accounts and
    Family Safety and select Create a password reset disk.

**The forgotten Password Wizard will appear.
**Press Next button to select removable disk or drive and press Next button again.

**Here you will be asked your current password. If you don’t have a password leaves it blank.
 **Press Next and wait till the progress will complete.

**To close this wizard, click Finish button.

Your password reset file is ready now to unlock your current account.

How to Use it:

Power on your CPU and type wrong password and insert your removable disk or drive where you keep your password reset file. Click on Reset password option Forgotten Password Wizard will start. Select Drive and create a new password with hints. After finishing it you will able to login with the new password.

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